ARBOR: Artist demonstration of making Oak Gall ink: Stephen Bithell

September 30, 2023 

On September 30th, Stephen Bithell will be demonstrating how to make ink from Oak galls.

Oak gall ink is a very black, good-quality ink which can be traced back to Medieval times. Interestingly, the Magna Carta was written with oak gall ink.


Oak gall wasps infect native oak trees and they lay eggs in certain parts of the tree. In response to this the tree produces abnormal growths around the eggs which helps the developing larvae, this growth is used to make the oak gall ink. These galls, which contain high levels of tannins, are crushed up and heated.


Whilst the ink slowly develops, Stephen will also be demonstrating his drawing using pre-made ink.

Stephen Bithell can be seen around the park here at Sculpture by the Lakes from season-to-season painting en plein air. Stephen has the fantastic ability to capture light and its changing, ephemeral qualities which can be seen in his drawing demonstrations while the ink develops.


Stephen's work is included in our exhibition ‘Arbor: A Month of Trees’.