William Montgomery

Will is a skilled animalier sculptor who primarily works with wax. He was born and raised in the idyllic countryside of Southwest England, drawing inspiration from his upbringing on the family farm. From a young age, he has been drawn to the art of sculpting and is entirely self-taught.

Although he studied Physiotherapy at university, Will's education proved beneficial to his art, as it provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the musculoskeletal system. This knowledge of the skeletal system, muscles, tendons, joint articulations, and biomechanics has made a tremendous impact on Will's technique and approach to sculpture. He applies this understanding to his work, creating accurate and dynamic animal sculptures that capture the essence of the animal's movement and form.

With his unique background, Will brings a distinct perspective to his art, infusing it with a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world. His commitment to mastering his craft, combined with his passion for animals, has earned him a reputation as a highly skilled and sought-after animalier sculptor.